Wednesday, October 23, 2013

太浩湖邊看鮭魚回游 Kokanee Salmon at Taylor Creek

到加州東部Sierra 去看秋色,途經太浩湖南邊的國家森林,裡面的Taylor Creek正好是鮭魚回游的時節。我從沒聽過Kokanee 鮭魚,也沒想到這離海甚遠的地方還有鮭魚。就順便去瞧瞧。那時正值聯邦政府關閉,遊客就沿著89號公路路邊停車,理所當然地走進去。離遊客中心不遠就看到小溪,溪水淺而清澈,裡面的魚是紅色的身體,綠色的頭,下巴還往外勾,就像是Sockeye Salmon 一樣,但是比較小。


在Taylor Creek 很容易就能看見鮭魚生命中一個最重要的階段,算是很值得一遊的地點。

Passing Fallen Leave Lake on our way to Bridge Port CA on our Eastern Sierra Autumn Color trip, stopped to see the famous Kokanee Salmon in Taylor Creek. The creek is next to the visitor center of Tahoe National Forest, its entrance at highway 89 in South Lake Tahoe. It was in the middle of Federal government shutdown, and the gate was closed and locked. People simply parked at road side along 89 and walked right into the park. Plenty of red salmon with green head in the creek to spawn, and some ducks ready for the delicious meal of fish eggs. The Kokanee Salmon is a landlocked salmon, growing up in Taylor Creek, backs to Lake Tahoe for adult life, then comes up stream to spawn. They look just like Sockeye Salmon, but smaller. Many of them resting in the shallow creek already shown signs of decline with part of dorsal fin turned gray and white.

In all, this small scale of salmon run is easy to access, peaceful, interesting in a natural setting, and a great way to learn something more about salmon, like they actual imprinted the smell of the creek so they can come back to the same place years later to spawn and to die. In case you are in the area, this is definitely worth stopping by. There is bike trail along the outside ring of the park, great for family activities. Years ago we biked from here into some residential area, saw a mama bear with two cubs, trying to do dumpster diving.

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