Tuesday, November 5, 2013


我的旅人朋友很興奮地在臉書上 po了一張照片,一棵矮樹上爬滿了羊在吃樹葉;鄭重宣布她訂了明年的旅遊團要去摩洛哥。那樹是當地特有的 Argan Tree, 結的果實軋出的 Argan Oil 現在是保養聖品,很貴。


Sunday, November 3, 2013

海獺也過萬聖節 Halloween Treat for Sea Otters

Happened to be in Monterey Bay Aquarium on Halloween day, got to see the sea otters getting their Halloween treats. The frozen treats came in different size, color, and shape, likely with grounded shell fish in them. I have seen sea otters numerous times, but this is the first time to see them get on solid ground in order to get the treats.   Mostly they tried to get the treat into water so they can handle it, only in one occasion the little guy simply couldn't wait and started chewing right there. Some even knocked the treat on the glass, like the way they knocked shell fish open.  To me this was the most interesting Halloween treats ever.

萬聖節那天剛好去Monterey Bay 水族館,恰巧看到館方正在分發特別的好料給海獺們,大大小小各式冰凍的食物,太概是加了魚貝類在裡面,海獺們忙著一個接一個地吃。