Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Fly over Okavango Delta

Okavango Delta on mid-August, just about three months into the dry season. Lush green turns into yellowish brown, water has receded in many places. Animals searching for food, along with termite mounts dotted the land.

Namibia Camping Experience

We had four camping nights in Namibia. Two in the famous Etosha National Park and two in the deep desert area. Tour company provided the tents and sleeping pad, I setup the tent myself with my own sleeping bag. My experience with the camping was very good, even they were in the middle of nowhere or in the desert.

Elephant Sands Lodge in Kalahari Desert

Third day in Southern Africa in Botswana, traveled long bus ride on a major highway with hardly any traffic or structures along the way. Before reaching the lodge, our tour guide showed us a drawing of the location, repeatedly warned to stay on the designated trail, not to step out into elephants' path. This area is in the Kalahari Desert, now is the middle of dry season, water is getting scarce. The elephants would visit water holes everyday, and if they don't find water, they would make a lot of fuss searching for it and damage the lodge property. So the locals would put together some money to pay for pumping water to the water holes.

Friday, June 15, 2018

The Puffins of Skellig Michael Island, Ireland

Skellig Michael is the larger of the two Skellig Islands, located 12 kilometers west of Portmagee and Valentia Island, on the west coast of Ireland. At some angle, it looks like a pyramid standing in the ocean horizon. Hundreds of years ago, Christian monks lived here, built several beehive stone huts at the top of the hill. The ruin made it a World Heritage site. On 2016, Star War movie The Last Jedi was filmed here, the beehives became iconic for fans all over the world.