Friday, March 21, 2014

Daffodil Hill 水仙小丘

水仙小丘位在加州中部的古早淘金區 Gold Country,離灣區大約兩、三小時車程,是 McLaughlin 夫婦在1887年從荷蘭移民 Penzer 手上買來的。那時Penzer 已在住處周圍依荷蘭傳統種了少許水仙花, McLaughlin 夫婦繼續種了更多來美化農莊。他們的後代持續種植,並且開放參觀,至今2014已是第75年,水仙開花時節也成了附近有名的景觀。

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Destination Gossip Rock

Dry Creek Regional Park of Union City, California. With the extreme drought condition of 2013-14, this lush green may last only a few weeks. The wildflowers starting to bloom, and cows are grazing. Just short hike up few hundred feet on FD143 toward Gossip Rock, Dumbarton Bridge, San Mateo Bridge, even San Francisco skyline are all in view. Birds singing along the trail, turkey vultures and hawks glide the sky. This rolling hills of California is the one to remember!

Friday, March 7, 2014


Great White Fronted Goose

自從幾年前到Sacramental Wildlife Refuge 看避冬的野雁野鴨,驚艷到數大的震撼,以後每一兩年總要去駭一次。平常在家附近見到加拿大雁邊飛邊叫,呼朋引伴,即使只有兩隻,總也忍不住微笑目送到天際。(古人說的那種被狐狸精迷住了,大概就是這種情形吧。)