Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Fly over Okavango Delta

Okavango Delta on mid-August, just about three months into the dry season. Lush green turns into yellowish brown, water has receded in many places. Animals searching for food, along with termite mounts dotted the land.

Arriving at the Maun airport with my fellow travelers, when I was finally called to the plane, surprised to find it was a four-seater! The smallest plane I have ever flew on. Pilot with one passenger sat on the first row (with co-pilot function disabled). I was the only one in the second row with both seats all to my self. I got to shoot on both left and right! I always liked to shoot on flight with cell phone camera, or my DSLR. But they were all on big jet, with high elevation, huge landscape target, like a volcano. Today I am in a low flying small bumpy plane, shooting at yet to know what target. I set my DSLR at "landscape" scene, hope the camera will handle everything. Today's flight is 45 minutes ($130) from taking off to landing, according to the pilot. I checked the windows on both sides, very clean. Good news. But the glare restricted me to shoot from only very limited angle.

It was a beautiful and mesmerizing flight. Dry land, marsh land, water flow, animal tracks, blending well with afternoon light, altogether weaving an ultimately romantic world.

Any attempt to shoot animals with a little zoom proven fatally blur (wide angel at 18mm). Even without zoom could result some blur. The chunky elephants had the best chance of qualified pictures. By the end, I decided to keep some of the blurry photos, just to facilitate my imagination, and to remember this superb experience.

A termite mound with animal tracks. 



A control burn?


  1. Magnificent, thanking for posting this wonderful flight. Tina
