Tuesday, January 22, 2013


巴拿馬市 Panama City from Amador Causeway

巴拿馬運河實在是一個不知道該不該去的地方。雖然是整個巴拿馬最窄的地方,但運河本身連通太平洋和大西洋,大到只能在地圖上看。去看閘門嗎?我看過五大湖的閘門 Soo Lock,閘門就是閘門,道理都一樣。除了給自己多一個(不怎麼有趣的)故事題材,好像沒有其他理由。美國公視有一支紀錄片說明運河的建造歷史,倒是很好的片子。 這是歷史比實景有趣。後來又看到巴國可以賞鳥, 加上天氣暖,醫療體系不錯,現在已是美國人退休的熱點。但這些也還推不動我想去的念頭。


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Surviving Yellowstone Winter 嚴冬下的黃石公園

I have wanted to go to Yellowstone in winter for years, but always worried about the coldness, the winter storm and blizzard that would stopped me from even reaching the park. Finally I realized worrying about blizzard may (or may not) happen months away lead me to no where, and I am not getting younger.  If not now, when?  After finding this snowmobile tour, I paid the money, bought plane tickets, and rented a SUV within two short days, made it the deal I can't back out.  If by any chance I couldn't make it to the tour, I just have to give another try. That's the way it is.
