Ranger said they frequently spotted on Hidden Lake Trail. Just the trail we planned to hike. It was late June, most of the trail was still covered by snow after short walk on wooden walkway at the beginning. At some point slippery and narrow, but overall an easy and beautiful hike.
Friday, May 27, 2016
The magic mountain goats of Glacier NP
Ranger said they frequently spotted on Hidden Lake Trail. Just the trail we planned to hike. It was late June, most of the trail was still covered by snow after short walk on wooden walkway at the beginning. At some point slippery and narrow, but overall an easy and beautiful hike.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Point Reyes Service Trip 國家海岸除草記
紅頂的船屋,是我們住了八天的家 |
知道Sierra Club 的工作團service trip 好一陣子了,不時瀏覽有那些選擇,但是一直沒法提起勇氣參加。這種工作團到各處做短期工作,修屋,修hiking trail, 拔野草,或住宿,或露營,甚至有跋涉入山,露宿沙漠的。工作的地點大多是風景優美或地形特別的地方,當作主要吸引力。參與的人不但需自付旅費,還要付食宿等費用。
今年雨多,前後院除草多日,覺得對自己的除草本領有點信心,也稍微有些除草心得。想想倒可以參加一團在 Point Reyes National Seashore (以下簡稱PR) 清除外侵植物 invasive plants。那裡離家100 英哩,開車就成。最主要的是,八天裡住的地方是個歷史性的救難船屋,只供特別活動使用,不對外開放。所在的地點極佳,面對海灣 Drake's Bay, 後山步行就可到諾大園區裡首選地點Chimney Rock, 五月正好看野花。 這裡因為在國家公園內,二十幾英哩內沒有地方可住,費用不到六百美金,算是所有工作團裡最合理的。要當苦力這裡是方便又值得。決定報名的另一個原因是那時只剩下最後一個名額,再不行動就要等下一次了。
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Santorini 的流浪犬
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百萬背景 The million dollar background, all to himself |
Recent photo of homeless dogs sleeping in a cafe in Lesbos, Greece reminded me of my dog encounter in Sentorini, Greece years ago. The homeless dogs with million-dollar view and decent treatment from the resident.
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