Friday, March 3, 2017

Fruit Bats (Flying Fox) of Sri Lanka 斯里蘭卡的水果蝙蝠

斯里蘭卡的蝙蝠,又叫“飛狐”,集體倒掛大樹上。飛起來的造型和電影裡的蝙蝠俠真沒有兩樣。這是在Tissa Lake的東南角上看到的。

First I saw a few on the island of Maldives, then a few on one tree in Kandy around Kandy Lake. Then came the mother load of those fruit bats hanging from several big canopy trees at the southeast corner of Tissa Lake, about 100 meters from the Rain Tree Hotel we stayed. Many big birds like Grey Heron, Asian Darter, and Cormorant also shared the trees.