Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kashgar's Livestock Market 喀什的家畜市場


I did not consider Livestock Market as a "must see" when Lonely Planet mentioned it. It was someone highly recommended in the LP forum Thorn Tree that caught my attention. This Sunday market is just outside of the City of Kashgar. Arrived at 8:30 in the morning, the place was virtually empty. I asked the taxi driver to reconfirm this IS the place. After all, this market is a big thing, village people around would all come for their business.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Opal Monday Market, the real thing 烏帕爾市場


Opal is a small village outside of Kashgar. The market day is on Monday. Coming back from Karakul Lake, we have the option of visiting the market. I was hesitated whether to do that or not. After all, I have seen several markets in Kashgar, and a market is a market...

Monday, May 28, 2012

Karakul Lake 卡湖

It was a test of determination for me to go to Karakul from Kashgar. When the China Youth Travel Service agent heard I have a foreign visa, she said, you have to find a car and go by yourself; i.e. you can't join our bus tour; i.e. I have to pay a lot more for the trip. But why?  It's a 200 km trip one way, going through high mountains. The main thing is, there is one check point. So what's the check point checking? Do I need to get a permit?

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Obsessed about naan 饢

The staple of Xinjiang, China, naan can be seen anywhere the Uyghur lives. Much like the baguette in France, I saw people carrying naan everywhere. Because of the dry air, naan can be kept for a long time without going stale, best for long distance traveler, like me, to always have a naan around. And they are cheap, cost about 2-3 Yuan ($0.30-$0.50) a piece.