Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dole Out in Luang Probang 龍坡邦的化緣和尚

到龍坡邦的第一目的是看著名的和尚化緣。住進旅館之後發現化緣的路線就在門口,再走兩分鐘就到大路,也是化緣的主線。第二天一早,眼睛才睜開,我朋友就急忙到路口轉角去跪在那裡準備給和尚們食物。旁邊小販適時遞過來一盤香蕉和一小筒飯,於是開始分發食物。小隊和尚一直走來,那一點香蕉和飯好像永遠用不完,用完了旁邊總有人遞過來。做善事心裡真愉快...  等到沒和尚再來了時,旁邊的小販就開始算那些空盤子,我們才知道那是要付錢的!!!




Since I have enough dose of the Buddhist temples in several trips to Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia, my first priority in Luang Probang then was narrowed down to see the famous morning alms of the monks.

After checking in the guest house, we found the morning alms route is right outside. Stepping out and we get to see the monks walk by.  Two minutes away is the main street with more monks passing. Early next morning, before the brain even start functioning, my friends went over to the corner and kneed down, get ready for the alms giving. Some local lady passed along some banana and steam rice, and they were in business of giving to the steadily coming monks. Until the monks stop coming, nobody thought about how their donations was supplied...  Then the local lady started counting the number of empty trays, obviously someone got to pay for that.

This old gentleman came alms giving everyday
She's well stocked, with banana, steamed rice, sweet rice, and  cookies
Local people routinely donated to the monks

Next day, I walked to the main street, surprised to find big crowd of people lined up all ready to give alms. That's the attack of the big bus tourists!  Obviously some more people learned the news too, kids and beggars also came along, asking for hand out from the monks. Of course, tourist like me went berserk seeing this feeding frenzy. (That's how we became part of the problem...)

The day we leave Luang Probang was a raining day, when the shuttle to the airport pull out of the hotel, I saw some monks holding umbrella doing the route. That day only the diehard Buddhist would be out to provide the monks.

This lady has a stack of brand new bill, she prays before each give away

Money is mixing with steamed rice and banana, all go into the big bowl

Supply will be more than demand today, so the kids will get freebies

When the monk's bowl is full, something will go to the kid's basket, so he can take in more goodies

Taker becomes giver

A whole army of takers and givers

Finished, all the tourists, and food, are gone.
Check out the haul
Redistribute the goodies. 坐地分贓
Monks bathing in Mekong River

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