Thursday, June 19, 2014

Sculpture In The Ruth Bancroft Garden

"Incredible She"
Ruth Bancroft 花園大多種的是需水很少的多肉植物和仙人掌類植物,現在加州缺水,正好到這裡參考這類植物的長相和花園的設計,加上雕塑的藝術氣氛更顯有趣。
Ruth Bancroft Garden locates in Walnut Creek. Mostly a succulent garden, it serves perfectly for the current California drought situation.  The annual Sculpture In The Garden Show runs mid-June to mid-July this year (2014), very much worth the trip. (garden information at the bottom of the page.)


All the marks on the leaves are "hug mark", formed from the tight center core before they opened to be individual leaf.


Ruth Bancroft Garden official website 


  1. The new blog page is easier to read, and let's see if it is easy to leave a comment. The statues have certainly made the garden more interesting. There is way too much rain in Taiwan these days. Tina

  2. Thanks for testing. Seems like it's working. Change is good...
    I haven't visited the garden for months, and forgot how good they are. Should be doing it more often.
