I was the last one to got on the metro. When the door closed behind my back, I automatically wanted to move into the cart to get ready for the incoming passengers next stop. I found myself could not move and could only see chests and shoulders at my eye level; those people surrounded me were tall, and none of them moved. There were many standing passengers in this cart, but for sure there was space for people to move inward. What's going on? I tried to push a little, still, no one budged. I was walled in. Then I saw something looked like a piece of fabric coming toward my face. I panic. I remembered this...where? My brain cells must turned lightening fast, searching... and pull out the memory of...an European movie called "Vanish", a movie gave me the chill to no end. A guy abducted strangers for no reason by sedated them with ether soaked fabric. Victims woke up and found themselves in a coffin buried underground. Horrified, I let out a roar and push away hard, before the fabric reaching my face. All of these happened fast, and everything seemed like a blur. Next thing I knew, I found myself stood 4 seats away from that door to the right, panting, fingers clutched hard to the vertical rail. Once in a secured area, I instinctively looked toward the direction where I was blocked, wanted to know what happened. One tall guy next to the door was staring at me. My gut feeling told me that's the guy with the fabric, the guy just failed to rob a gray haired Asian woman. I stared back. The lady passenger sat right in front of me looked at me with sympathy, her eye and mouth expression showed me, even though not in English: those are the gangs. Three seats to her left, a Spaniard who sat right next to the standing gangster, also looked at me, no sympathy, just curiosity. I suddenly realized these locals all knew what just happened, (I wonder how loud was my "roar",) but no one did anything to help... I exchanged stares with the tall guy again, wanted to show him my middle finger, but decided against it; they had several in the cart while no one was on my side. Next stop was up, he stepped off the cart, strolled leisurely toward two policemen patrolled on the platform and chatted. Welcome to Madrid!
Nothing missing from my backpack. The important things, money, cards, and passport, all in my hiking pants pocket down at the level next to my knees. I subtly touched the pocket to make sure the stuff were there. Unless the thief has long arms like gibbon, the pocket was hard to reach. Strangely, this incident seemed leave no residue in my journey. I continued the trip to Portugal without fear or worries.
Coming from the famous coast of Nazari to Lisbon, I loaded my backpack with pastries from a famous bakery. Hurried to the Metro, I realized I would be the last one to get on the cart. Hesitated for half second, I decided not to wait for next train. When the door closed behind me, I felt like Déjà vu (or a Ground Hog Day?) all over. I was again cornered at the door for several seconds, only this time there was no fabric coming to my face. The blockage was to buy time for them to go through my backpack, which was (surprise!) a big box of food. I expertly push those guys away and moved to the door at the opposite side of the cart. One guy stood facing me pointed at my backpack. Oh, the zip was opened. I nodded at him as to say thanks, moved my pack to the front, closed the zip. Something was off with this guy, I just couldn't place it. When he stepped off at next stop, my eyes followed him to the platform. Instead of heading to the Metro exit, he went directly to the next cart and get on again! Damn, he's with the gang, and they infested the Metro.
So I dodged the infamous Europe petty theft. Twice. If you asked how I felt at this time, I would say more defiant than worried, like they had their chance and blew it. It never occurred to me that they would finally get me on the third try.
從有名的度假海岸 Nazari 去里斯本,我在當地有名的店買了一堆糕餅,裝在紙盒裡。皮箱放不下了,只好放在背包裡。拉著行李箱,跑著上地鐵,又是最後一個進車廂的。我遲疑了半秒鐘,要不要上?懶得等下一班了,上去吧。一進車廂,馬上發現舊事重演,又被卡在車門前,完全動不了。只是這次沒有布。短短被圍了一下,(所以他們有時間拿背包裡的點心!哈哈!)我照樣用力一推,突出重圍,到對面門邊。旁邊一個男子指指我的背包,哦,拉鏈開了。我向他點個頭,表示謝意,把背包移到前面,拉上拉鏈。但是這人有點奇怪,那裡奇怪?說不上來。下站到了,我看著此人下車,到月臺之後,他不向出口走,拐個彎,左轉,又進了前一節車廂。混蛋!原來這幫人都是同黨,成天在地鐵站謀生的人!
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