Saturday, June 9, 2012

Northern Xinjiang Loop Part 2 北疆環遊(下)


Visited Kanas Lake and Hemu Village, back to Urumqi to complete the Northern Xinjiang loop.  Urumqi is the largest city in Xinjing, totally modern and without character, just like most of other cities in China. The only place worth a visit is the Autonomous Regional Museum.  Erdaoqao and the the Grand Bazaar have been "upgrade" to the extend of without characters, totally skipable if time is tight.

Kanas Lake 喀納斯湖

去喀納斯湖,途經克拉馬依,是新疆的主要石油產地。鑽油臺多如蝗蟲。布爾津是充滿歐風(俄羅斯)的跳板小城, 城裡全是旅館。到了喀納斯,景區門外有很多旅館,但是乘園內巴士進到中心要一小時,出入費時,我們因此決定住在園內。季節還早,早晚很冷,旅館沒有暖氣,帶來的衣服都穿上了。早晨霧濃,又寧靜,沿河小徑很美。在此最後的行程是上觀魚臺。乘巴士到山頭,還要爬一千多階才到。四周景致一覽無遺。


On the road to Kanas Lake, we pass through the big oil and natural gas town of Kalamayi, with hundreds of oil pump along side of the main highway. Xinjiang owns one third of China's oil reserve, big and long oil and natural gas pipelines have long been established.

Before and after Kanas and Hemu, we stayed in the gateway town of Buerjin, a town obviously carries some Russia influence on their building facade.  There are hotels inside the NP village, more outside the park gate. From gate to the village in the park is about one hour shuttle bus ride (with stops). We decided to stay in the village in order to go around the next morning.  Staying outside the gate likely meant we would just take a quick look and leave. The shuttle bus stopped at 3-4 places along the way for us to take pictures before reaching the village.

Night was chilly.  Morning was foggy.  Morning walked along the Kanas River was quiet and beautiful without the crowd. We also made the task of getting up to the Fish View Pagoda at the top of the mountain. Kanas Lake is famous for its autumn color and the color of the river and lake.   We were in the wrong season to see any of them, but seeing the facility of handling long lines at the shuttle bus center, we simply felt off season, fewer crowd is truly priceless.

Wild flowers just get started

Early morning at the hill back of the hotel

Fog come and go all over the area 晨霧

Kanas River, the Lake is the portion that swell into big area 喀納斯河在此邊寬,水因此變緩,成了湖


This year is low on water 今年雨水很少
The Fish Viewing Pagoda at the top 觀魚亭

View from the pagoda 從觀魚亭往下看
The colorful Kanas Lake 多彩的喀納斯湖

Tuva village 圖瓦人的村莊

Hemu village 禾木村


Considered as one of the most beautiful village in China, Hemu (read her-moo) is just 30 km from Kanas. It can be reached by horse riding in one day.  Again, we got to take shuttle bus from the gate and leave our car behind. The ride to the village was long, hard and beautiful along the way.  Some part of the road was meant to be a one lane road, negotiated to be two way traffic.  Outside of the window, I saw stunningly beautiful green mountains, vast land of pastures. This is precious land!

The village is small, famous for the Birch trees forest around.  It supposed to be a Tuva farming village, but watching closely, many of them are Han people opening for business like guess houses and grocery stores that supply the tourists.  We stayed in a guest house acquaint to our guide, a guest house with 9 units of motel like room.  Last year, they got the electricity.  This year, they got running water.  But there was still no water in the room!  Turned out they did not lay the pipes deep enough, it burst over the winter.  Internet and cell service both work like a charm.  Words are the government is cracking down some guest houses, and already torn down two, with compensation.  Yet I saw many are building at the same time, one even with faked log facade.

My morning walk next day yielded some clue.  The streets around our guest house was full of, guess what, guest houses, translate in my word: boring.  I walked toward the edge of the village trying to see the real Tuva village.  It did not disappoint me.  Cows, farm house, even manure, with the famous birch trees in the background, one street, simple things.  I walked up and down, taking pictures, just couldn't get over it. Somehow I felt I was in Wyoming, or Montana, with those odd looking Tuva houses. Come home to see those pictures with all the same scene repeating, I just feel soothing.

If the guest houses takes over as the main residence of Hemu, this place could lose the reason to exist, at least to people like me. This year I have to walk to the edge of the village to find what I came to see, what about next year, and the year after?

This is the whole Hemu Village 禾木村全景

This is one of my favorites. The cow on the left looked so much at where she belongs. 

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